Bequests are a valuable way of contributing to the future of our school. 

The inclusion of a bequest in your will is simple. All you need to do is state “I bequest the sum of $_______ to go to Heritage College, Adelaide”.

If you have a current valid will, you can still make a bequest as a separate document to your will making reference to your current will, sign and date it, and have this document witnessed by two adults who are not beneficiaries of your will. Keep this document with your will.

If you would like a confidential discussion regarding bequests, please contact our Business Manager via


Generous donations have funded many projects at our school in the past. Some of these include the purchase of more specialised musical instruments for our orchestra, equipment for our Design and Technology Centre, prize money for Annual Awards, and more. 

If you would like to make a donation you can specify whether you would like it to be devoted to a special purpose or leave it to us to spend it on the most important priorities for the benefit of all our students. Donations made to the Building Fund are tax-deductible.

We will gratefully accept your tax-deductible donation in a number of formats; cheques; direct transfer into the Building Fund bank account; via Qkr!, or you can phone 08 8266 5122 and we will take your payment over the phone.

Your generosity will be acknowledged and a tax receipt issued, but we will always respect your confidentiality.

Business Manager –

2-10 Heritage Court, OAKDEN SA 5086