About Heritage


Our Mission 

At Heritage, we are dedicated to providing a God-centred educational environment. We want all students to achieve their full potential, and so we encourage them to strive for excellence and to use their talents to serve others and God.

Our Objectives

  • To help students develop Godly characteristics based on the Bible, in support of the role of parents.
  • To provide a quality education within a biblical context.
  • To inspire our students to reach their full potential (intellectual, social, spiritual, and emotional).
  • To create a safe, happy, and spiritual environment where all students feel loved, valued, and respected.
  • To assist students to develop the required skills to earn a living and live for Christ.
  • To encourage respect for authority and school standards.
  • To make our school accessible to as many Christadelphian children as practicable. 

Our Motto

Our logo features a palm tree – a striking feature of our College grounds and a biblical symbol of the righteous (Psalm 92:12). Our school motto “Follow His Steps” is taken from 1 Peter 2:21. Jesus Christ left us an example to follow, and we aim to encourage our students to model their lives on this example.


Our Values

  • Reflection, Respect, Responsibility, Resilience
  • Pursuit of godliness
  • Doing your best for God
  • Enthusiasm
  • Service, care, and thought for others
  • Integrity and honesty
  • Respect and obedience
  • Love and compassion
  • Responsibility and loyalty
  • Development of faith



At Heritage, we base our School Mission & Values on the principles of the Bible and the Christadelphian faith.

The Christadelphians are a worldwide community. We base our religious beliefs entirely on the original Christianity, which is outlined in the Bible and was taught by Jesus Christ and his followers.

For Christadelphians throughout the world, there is no central organisation or even a paid ministry. Groups of believers operate independently but share a common set of beliefs.


As followers of Jesus, we aim to live free from selfishness, hatred, and violence, and live a life based upon the principles of love. This is what we, as Christadelphians, believe:


  • There is one God, the Father of Jesus (John 3:16).
  • God wants to save people and He promises a renewed earth and global peace with Christ as King (Revelation 11:15). The Bible shows how we can experience this and have everlasting life.
  • We are called to follow the example of Jesus, who shows us what God is like. This is why our school motto is “FOLLOW HIS STEPS”.
  • We need saving from death. When a person dies, there is no life after death except by resurrection when Christ returns to earth (John 11:25-26).
  • Through baptism, believers are saved and live a new life in Christ (Mark 16:16).
  • A time is coming where there will be no more sadness (Revelation 21:4).
  • Prophesied events in the Bible give us evidence that the return of Jesus is near.